I just had one of the more memorable round of Town of Salem in a while. I helped catch most of the evildoers and started that before the roles were even assigned! I'll start with that and then go more into the role of Sheriff in general further down.
I was having a tough day in the game. The two rounds before that one I was killed first and the townies lost in the end too. So during name selection, I pleaded to the goodness of the others and asked for a heal, jail or a protect in the first night. Doing that is a good idea in any case. No matter what role you get, there's benefits to it.
Most of the times I've done that, I was attacked by trolls in the first night anyways. And every time, the lookout was watching me too. Sometimes even the doc or a bodyguard obliged and we managed to both prove my innocence and lynch the evildoers. Sometimes when you're not an investigative role, making yourself a target to help the others is a great way to help the townies win.
Anyways, back to my recent game. I pleaded to the goodness of the others and sure enough, I was protected by the bodyguard in the first night and the Serial Killer bit the dust.
At the same time, as sheriff, I investigated someone and found out he was part of the mafia (or framed)
Because the Bodyguard had written in his Will that he protected me, that proved my innocence to the others. Likewise, someone was proven Veteran in the same day, so I whispered to him about my lead on the mafia. I also revealed that lead to everyone but said I would double check.
To my surprise, someone defended the person, saying they were in a call together and both innocent. I took note of that. At that point, the framer was obviously going to go for the same person again, if I said I would double check. Any good framer would do so. So I instead checked out the guy who defended my first suspect, who also turned out to be mafia. The game ended quickly.
Anyways, the Sheriff. This guy is apparantly the local law enforcement. No wait, just the law. He has no weapon to enforce anything. Once a night you can find out if someone is Mafia, Serial Killer or not suspicious.
Some things to remember:
- If your target was framed, it will appear as if he is mafia.
- The Godfather and the Arsonist will appear to be not suspicious.
- If there is a Transporter in the round, you might need to double check because he might switch your targets without you knowing it.
- If there is a Witch controlling you, she too will switch your target to someone else without you knowing who.
As the Sheriff you're always off double-checking someone if you find someone who is mafia. Afterall you've got the above points to remember. Mainly the Framer. You're safer if you dont say anything about your target until you've checked twice. But you could try setting a little honey trap like mine if you want to, although I'd recommend only to do that if you've been proven innocent already...
If the game has reached the point where only a Godfather or Arsonist is left, your ability is useless. You'll want to remind the other roles, such as the Doctor or Bodyguard, so they dont let someone who is still important die and protect you, who cannot help anymore.
Should you however be in a game with new-ish players who may not know they are undetectable, you could try trapping them and having the Lookout watch you, or the Bodyguard protect you...
So that's the Sheriff. There really isnt much to him. Remember to always double-check possible mafia and more than anything, use logic and try to outwit your opposition.
When do you reveal yourself to the town? One of the things I struggle with as sheriff is whether I should publicly announce my role or try to whisper to someone who seems trustworthy. Whispering keeps me alive but doesn't seem to help the rest of the town determine who to vote for as the person I'm whispering to may be town or a good bluff or may die next turn and take my info with him to the grave. But if I go public, wouldn't I die that night and be useless?
ReplyDeleteI have this trouble as investigator and spy as well. I never want to reveal myself, but if I don't, the town is practically in the dark and all my leads are useless until I die. By the time I know everyone's role, half the town is already dead and we're.going to lose. So when would you say is best time to reveal? Thank you.