Sunday, 16 November 2014

The Jester; Why even..?

The Jester is such a tricky role (pun intended). And everybody seems to have their own strategy, but before I go into ones I would recommend, I'm going to start by mentioning the two idiotic playstyles that arent even worth calling "a strategy".

The Spammer: Self-explanatory. These Jesters seem to think that if they spam the chat with irrelevant nonsense, they'll get lynched. Newsflash: They dont. Rarely it just gets you muted, but because most players dont know about the /mute command, in most of the cases being a spammer just gets you killed at night.

The waste of life: These jesters are surprisingly common. For no reason or justification they simply annoy and insult everyone, interruptng people and spamming rude obnoxious junk in the chat. This guy also believes that his behaviour will get him lynched. Again, it doesnt. The highlight of one match was such a jester being killed by a Vigilante, the Mafia and the Serial Killer at the same time. I emplore everyone in a round with such a waste of life to report them, and if they are a killing role, to gang up and murder him at night. Thank you.

If you cant wait till night time, the mute command is /mute name
For example: /mute jesterguy

Now onto the more social and recommendable strategies. Remember, your target is to get lynched. If you die at night, then you loose. And when you do manage to get lynched you win the round regardless of which other faction prevails in the end. You also have the one-time ability to kill one of your guilty-voters the night after you've been hung.
The problem is that asking nicely wont get you lynched. Teaming with a side in the end isnt going to get you lynched either because neither side wants to waste their time with lynching you and nobody wants to risk dying after you've had your way.

The most reliable way to get lynched for me is to not want it. When people start voting for you then keep arguing with points why you're not guilty. That there's no proof. Refuse to give out your role. That normally does the trick once the votes start rolling.

You should at all costs avoid making yourself a high-priority night time target. Dont claim to be an investigative role directly, but pretend to be one by accusing someone who is hopefully innocent. Doing so will make the mafia realise that you're not a threat to them. it should hopefully keep you alive. If you get jailed, claim to be a Lookout, Sheriff or Investigator. Or if you're feeling confident, you can be honest and say you'll help take down the mafia if you're lynched. That worked for me once...

Anyways, my usual tactic is to accuse someone innocent, and then get lynched after said person dies. People usually go for the person that accused someone innocent after an unsuccessful lynch.

You could also try the classic whisper-fail. Fail at whispering to someone on purpose so everybody sees it. Dont make it super obvious. Say something like "I was roleblocked" or "Were you roleblocked?" when nobody died to mafia. Obviously aim the whisper at someone who hasnt yet been confirmed as innocent., or it will backfire.

Once you do get lynched, it's entirely up to you who you want to kill. If someone helped me get lynched, I never go for that person. Usually I aim for someone who was rude to me with their silly "10/10 defence" comments or for someone in hopes to end the game quickly. But remember, if the game ends in a draw, you will loose even if you got lynched! So if you have a chance to prevent a tie by killing the other neutral role who isnt helping with either side's votes, then I'd go for that.

"Playing the Jester card" is also a worthy attempt to not get lynched. if you're a mafia member or even a townie you could try to look like a jester to get yourself out of a noose. In most cases that wont work tho.

So there you have it. If you cant get help from either side then just start accusing the wrong people and see where that gets you. Remember that you're neutral, so you dont have to listen to anybody. Happy Hanging!

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