Monday, 10 November 2014

The Executioner, a key player!

So I had a very fun round yesterday. I was part of the Mafia and despite our framer leaving before the round even started, we managed to pull out a win because we managed to identify and ally with the Executioner towards the end.
One particular player was not pleased at all with this evil alliance and proceeded to report us for "not playing the game the way it's meant to be played" before we lynched him. I was later told that the dead chat then gave him a royal scalding and he quit.
Despite that particular player's obvious ignorance and probable mental age of six and a half, I feel I should address the neutral roles in general in this post about the Executioner. So let's go!

The Executioner is yet another role that is really strong and yet still unpopular. Barely anyone would want to be the Executioner, but during the round it's important to find him quickly.

Your one and only condition to win the game is to lynch a randomly-assigned town member. Once that townie is dead, you win, regardless of the round's outcome and of your own survival. Should your target get killed at night, you will become a jester. You will not become a jester when your target is lynched, in that case you will remain an executioner for the remainder of the round.

(I should probably mention this too: If the round ends in a draw, you will loose even if your target is lynched. But you can disregard that as draw's are extremely rare).

As this guy, you are a neutral role. You can choose to side with any faction you want. Whichever one seems the most likely to help you achieve your goal. And yes, in rare cases the townies will help you too. Very rare cases. But before I get into alliances, I'll list a few tips for the Executioner on his own.

Dont jump the gun and accuse someone on day two. People will always have the possibility of Executioner in mind when they see random accusations. If you're feeling ballsy however, you can say that you have a lead that you'll be followin up the next night. Sometimes people ask to reveal said lead anyways and sometimes that even gets your target lynched immediately, since the evil roles never miss out on an opportunity to make townies look bad..

At night time, for a change you dont need to worry about being killed. The Executioner has immunity and doesnt risk being shot by the Veteren either, because he doesnt even visit people. There is a chance that you'll get attacked though. In that case the mafia will easily believe you're the Serial Killer. And he will easily make the assumption that you're the godfather. And if you're playing in a round with arsonists, you'll be mistaken for one of those too. Not good.

That little honey trap i mentioned above, the simple mentioning of a lead you'll follow up, is a great start to the game in any case. If you do use that line, you will be mistaken for an investigator and likely be targetted in the night. The next day, when the evil roles failed to kill you, and assuming they're somewhat open-minded, they should come to the realisation that you're the Executioner when you reveal your made-up confirmed lead on your target and help you vote him onto the gallows.

And should that plan fail because your target was killed at night, simply accuse some random person and if he dies, you'll be the next to lynch. But you'll get your fair share of jester tips when i make the post about him.

Sometimes to get your evil allies, my little honey trap will work as follows: Day Two, you say you have a possible lead. Day Three you reveal your target is an evil role. If the lynch isnt successful, there's the mafia mentality of "If i attack the guy accusing someone, then that second someone will be suspected and lynched". The mafia will target you and find out you're immune. Again, assuming the mafia are somewhat open-minded, they'll realise you're the executioner and try to get your target lynched with you.

When the executioner really comes into his element is when there's an equal amount of townies and evil roles left. When you are the deciding vote in overpowering a side. Before you do this next thing, make sure the jailor is dead. He is the destroyer of your world because he is the only one that can kill you whenever he sees fit.

As soon as the game reaches the point of equal sides, the executioner can reveal who his target is. Promise the mafia to help them end the game quicker if they spare your target at night. If they refuse and kill your target anyways, they're just being dicks.
But normally this will work and the game should end within the next two days and you'll win alongside them.

So to summarise, just like most neutral roles, you side with who you see fit to best help you get what you want. When the game reaches the point of equal sides, you can afford to openly assure your allies who you are in chat because there's nothing the townies can do to outvote you anymore anyways. 

Yes, that will seem unfair to the remaining townies, but that's not your problem. The game is over, all that remains is to kill them to end it. The evil alliance wins. That is "the way the game is meant to be played"!

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