The following is a list of all current roles in the game and their abilities. More in-depth detail and strategies will be added in later posts. The order is alphabetical.
BodyGuard: Your job is to protect the others. You can protect one person per night, or choose to wear a bullet-proof vest yourself instead. If you successfully protect another person, you will die along with your attacker, you can still be saved if the doctor healed you that same night though. Any normal person would naturally just keep the vests every night. However, you only get one.
Doctor: Much like the Bodyguard, you can heal one person per night, or yourself just once. If the person is attacked that night, you nurse them back to health and in most cases, you've found yourself someone you can trust too. Afterall the people who are attacked are usually the good guys.
Escort: Not a very appreciated role, but especially effective late-game. This role can block most other roles' night activity. If you're down to only a handful of people and block the right person at night, you might just save the game. However, if you try to block the Serial Killer, you become his victim instead. So be careful who you choose.
Investigator: You can investigate one person per night for clues to their role. However, declaring your finds early is not a particularly brilliant idea. You'll become a priority target, or you'll be branded evil yourself and lynched. Also, it may pay off to check a person twice if he's said to be a framer. He could just be getting framed instead...
Jailor: During day time, you can choose one person to lock in jail for the night. There you can anonymously talk with your prisoner. Normally the jailors ask them for a role and for proof. If later in the game it turns out they lied, drag them back into jail and execute them. Remember that guy who really shouldn't have gotten away at the gallows? Get him to drop the soap for you...
Lookout: Also an investigative role, the Lookout can choose one person's house per night to sit outside of. You'll be notified of everyone who visits the person. Good or bad people. If the person dies, you'll know who did it, if he's alive, you know who may be good.
Mayor: The Mayor is an especially powerful role late-game, despite only having two small abilities. You can reveal yourself officially to everyone as the mayor. And once you do that, your vote counts as three when lynching someone. Arguably it's a good idea to reveal yourself very early too, so that the other roles have someone to trust. You'll get protected quite likely too... or not.
Medium: This role is probably the least favourite role early-game. Your ability is speaking to the dead at night. The investigators died before revealing their info? Just ask them yourself at night! And once you die, you can choose one person to contact from death to give him more info. This can be game-deciding late-game...
Retributionist: This role is unique. It has the ability to revive one dead person. Assuming they didnt leave the game already... Nobody expects the jailor to be brought back to life at the end!
Sheriff: The Sheriff is another investigator. Every night he can get clues to someone's role. But they're more exact in the case of evil people and less exact in the case of good people. Very few roles are safe from sheriff-detection however. So a non suspicious person could still be an arsonist or a godfather.
Spy: The Spy is probably the best detective in the game. He can see what the mafia are saying during the night. He can see what people are secretly whispering during the day and he sees everyone who was visited by the mafia at dawn. That's a lot of info, so be sure to write it down in your will.
Transporter: Another powerful role late-game. This one can switch around two people. All targets will be switched around too. You know who is evil? Switch them into the line of fire of their comrades! This role can decide the game. But it can mess up investigations of others too, so watch out!
Veteran: The Veteran, although harmless at first glance because he can't target, if played well, will mess people up. You can go "on alert" during three nights of your choice. You could pose as an investigator and lure all the villains into a trap, because while you're on alert, everybody who visits you gets shot. Just dont be surprised if there's a pile of bodies outside after one of your alert nights...
Vigilante: The Vigilante is the law. Someone you dont like? Just march over to him at night and kill him. Just make sure it's a bad guy, because if you kill an innocent, you'll die of guilt the next night.
Blackmailer: This role is pure evil. Ideal to lynch someone if done well. Whoever this person targets at night can not talk during the following day. The only thing that can be said by someone who is blackmailed is "I am blackmailed" and only when he's being lynched too..
Consigliere: This guy is the best guy for figuring out someone's role. He visits one person per night to find out what they are. He's your man for reconnaissance.
Consort: The consort is the evil escort. He distracts one person every night, so they cant do their night time activity. Those pesky investigators wont get anything.
Disguiser: Not an easy role to master at all, but exceptionally powerful if done right. This guy can disguise himself as someone his fellow mafia kills. Make sure that the target leaves no will though, because if there's a will, its mostly over for the disguiser in seconds. The best way to use this role would be to disguise as someone who has already proven their innocence, like the mayor.
Framer: The framer is like a circumstancial blackmailer. He targets one person at night and if said person is investigated, he will appear to be a framer. If someone orders to check someone at night, you should probably slip in some of your illegal documents...
Godfather: As the leader of the mafia, you are immune to attacks, undetectable to the sheriff and you overrule the choice of your mafioso underlings when it comes to choosing a kill.
Janitor: Dont worry. You dont need to go anywhere near toilets. The janitor is best teamed up with the disguiser, because you can hide one target's role and destroy their will, assuming they die. It's quite good to buy your friends an alibi when one dead role is unknown.
Mafioso: You are the godfather's underling. You can choose who you want to kill, or you can be ordered to kill the godfather's target. If the godfather chooses a target, the mafioso will have to march over there and do the dirty work. Any other role in the mafia will be promoted to Mafioso if there is no godfather or mafioso left alive.
Amnesiac: You dont really remember who you are. But you think you were like one of the dead people. You can choose one of their roles to assume. This only works once. When you take their role, the whole town is told that an amnesiac has assumed that role. If anyone knew you were the amnesiac, they'll know that you took the role. Be a good guy or be a bad guy. Or you can just stay the way you are and just try to survive until the end to win.
Arsonist: You need to kill everyone except for other Arsonists, witches and survivors. They can all win alongside you. In addition, you're immune to attacks at night and nobody is immune to yours. You can choose one person at night to douse in gas. The target will know they're doused. The following night you can either add another victim to your list or select yourself to ignite all your targets, as well as the targets of other arsonists! This guy is a threat to everyone and needs to be found and stopped fast!
Executioner: You are immune to attacks at night and your only goal is to get a certain innocent town member lynched. Once your target is lynched, you win, regardless of the outcome of the round. You might want to ally with the mafia by promising them your vote in lynches in exchange for your target. However, if your target dies at night, you will become a jester.
Jester: The jester, also a former executioner, only has one objective and no abilities. You want to be lynched. If you're lynched, you win, regardless of the round's outcome. Oh, and if you are lynched, you can also kill one of your guilty-voters the night after. This can often decide the outcome of the game. You're going to have to try quite hard to get lynched though. The townies will not just hang you because you ask nicely. You should try either accusing an innocent townie to get lynched the day after, or maybe just make a poor excuse when you're randomly accused of something. It's quite tricky...
Serial Killer: You're evil. You attack to kill someone every night. You're also immune to attacks at night yourself. You can still be killed by Veterans or Bodyguards though, so watch out who you target. The mafia will try to find and kill you quickly too, as you need to kill them as well. You dont need to kill everyone though! You can choose to spare witches and survivors because their winning conditions dont conflict with your own.
Survivor: You're all alone in a ruthless world of maniacs and murderers. You can only win if you're alive at the end. The mafia doesnt need to kill you, the townies dont need you dead and neither do the hostile neutrals. But that doesnt mean they'll spare you. And you cant prove your innocence either. That's why you've got four bullet-proof vests to keep you alive. Try and ally with a side before you run out.
Witch: The witch is the wild card. You can cause the most confusion and mess up everything. You win once all the townies are dead. But you are a rather big threat especially to the mafia and the hostile neutrals. You can choose one person per night to control and target a person of your choice. If you happen to control the serial killer, you choose who he kills, including himself. You can make the mafia kill one another. You can make an arsonist walk onto the veteran's doorstep to get killed. There are many options. Your target will know they were possessed, so it might be worth staying low until a little later.
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